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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - station


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Перевод с английского языка station на русский

1) станция; пункт 2) место; положение; позиция 3) геофиз. пункт наблюдений 4) пункт геодезической сети 5) устройство; блок 6) рабочее место; пост 7) горн. околоствольный двор 8) ж.-д. станционные сооружения 9) электростанция, электрическая станция, ЭС 10) вещательная станция 11) мор. точка пересечения шпангоута с основной линией 12) устанавливать, ставить 13) экол. ареал station on stream — работающая (насосная или компрессорная) станция на трубопроводе - aboveground power station - aboveground station - accepting station - accumulator station - actinometric station - aerobraked OTV-serviced space station - aerodynamic broadcast station - aeronautical meteorological station - affiliated station - airborne early-warning station - air monitoring station - alighting station - anchor station - AOTV-serviced space station - array station - arrival station - assembly station - assembly work station - astronaut-inhabited space station - astronaut tended space station - atomic power station - attended station - automatic unified orbital station - automatic water-stage recording station - automatic welding station - auxiliary power station - avalanche station - backhaul station - back-to-back high-voltage direct-current converter station - bagging station - base station - base compressor station - baseline station - base-load power station - base pumping station - beacon station - beet pulp drying station - beet receiving station - beet washing station - benchmark station - block-signal station - boarding station - boiling station - booster station - broadcasting station - broadcast station - bulk flour station - buoy-based station - captain's station - captain station - car inspection station - cathodic protection station - central electric station - central heat supply station - charging station - check station - circle station - circulating pumping station - civilian-manned space station - clean work station - climatological station - coal-fired power station - coast station - coastal direction finding station - coke-screening station - communication relay station - compressor station - concrete coating station - connecting station - conning station - conservated space station - control station - control radio station - converter station - coorbiting space stations - coordinate inspection station - cream station - crusher station - cube station - current-meter gaging station - current-meter station - customs station - data station - data return capsule-carried space station - dead station - deburring station - deconservated space station - dedicated milling station - deorbited space station - design station - destination station - diesel power station - diffusion station - direction and guidance radar station - direction-finding station - discharge station - dispatch station - dispatching control station - display station - distribution station - diversion power station - diversion station - docking station - drainage station - drift station - drive station - dry station - dual-keel space station - dual-purpose station - dumping station - early-warning radar station - earth station - earthquake-detection station - electric power station - electric station - electrode building station - engine changing station - engineered work station - engineman's station - enlarged space station - entry station - evaporation station - exposure station - extended duration space station - feed station - filling station - film take-up station - fish rearing station - fixed station - fixed ship station - fixturing station - flexible machining station - flexible space station - flight engineer station - floating station - floating diesel station - floating power station - floatING WEATHER STATION - fossil-fueled power station - free-standing pallet station - frontier station - fuel station - gaging station - gas station - gas-compressor station - gas-distributing station - gas engine compressor station - gas gathering station - gas-lift compressor station - gas-turbine power station - generating station - GEO space station - geothermal power station - grain-collecting station - greasing station - grid-connected photovoltaic station - ground station - group pumping station - growth station - guidance station - half-open-air hydroelectric station - hammer station - head-end station - heat-electric generating station - high altitude space station - high-latitude station - high-level station - high-lift pump station - high-power station - holding station - home station - homing station - horizontal designed space station - hot-metal station - hydraulic experimental station - hydroelectric power station - hydroelectric pumped storage power station - hydrological station - hydrometric station - ice-based station - ice lookout station - ice pilot station - impact station - inhabited space station - inland station - in-machine station - inquiry station - insertion station - inspection station - integrated sewing station - interchange station - interlocking station - intermediate station - international space station - interplanetary station - inverter station - irrigation pumping station - island station - issuing station - junction station - knitting station - knocking-out station - ladle bricking station - ladle preparation station - land station - landing direction-finding station - large-size power station - large power station - LEO space station - lightning direction-finding station - lightship station - line booster pump station - liquefied natural gas station - load station - loading station - load/unload station - local station - localizer station - logic programming station - long-functioning space station - long-term station - long-term space station - loop station - low-altitude space station - low-latitude station - low-lift pump station - lubrication station - machine tool station - machining work station - machining station - magazine station - magnetic station - magnetotelluric station - main pumping station - manned station - manual part control station - man-visited space station - master station - material handling work station - measuring station - medium-head hydroelectric station - medium-size power station - medium power station - melt station - mesonet station - microwave relay station - milk collecting station - mine-mouth power station - mixed pumped-storage station - mobile station - mobile electric power station - mobile power station - mobile ship station - mobile television station - mold lubricating station - monitoring station - moonbounce station - multiband station - multimodule space station - multiparameter station - multiple docking ports-equipped space station - multiple modules-docked space station - multiple pressurized modules space station - multipurpose space station - multisolar-panels-consisted station - NC control station - newsroom station - node station - nuclear heat-only station - nuclear power station - nuclear steam station - observational station - observation station - ocean weather station - off-line station - oil-burning power station - oil-fired power station - oil-gathering station - oil-marketing station - OMV-equipped space station - on-orbit power generation station - open-air hydroelectric station - orbital station - orbital laser power station - origin station - oxy-gas cutoff station - ozonometry station - package power station - packing station - pan station - partiAL-RECORD STATION - passenger station - passing station - passive seismic station - payoff station - peak-load power station - pendent control station - periodically tended space station - permanent seismograph station - permanent space station - photovoltaic pumping station - pier-type hydroelectric station - pilot solar power station - pipeline-up station - pipe welding station - pluviometric station - pole-mounted station - postprocess gaging station - power station - precipitation station - primary station - principal station - probe station - public service power station - public utility power station - pumped-storage station - pumping station - punch station - purely civilian-manned space station - push-button pipeline pumping station - rack-mounted station - radar station - radio station - radio-beacon station - radio-compass station - radio-positioning station - radio-range station - radio-relay station - radiosonde station - rating station - rawinsonde station - rawinsonde receiving station - read station - receiving station - reclamation station - reconservated space station - recoroing station - rectifier station - reference station - reforwarding station - refrigerating station - refuge station - relay station - relay pump station - relift station - remote station - remote methane measurement station - remote monitoring station - remote tool transfer station - repeater station - representative station - repressuring station - rescue station - reservoired power station - resupply space station - river station - robot station - robot weather station STATION FRICTION трение с заеданием поверхностей; трение покоя, статическое трение
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) станция; пункт; пост 2) терминал; абонентский пульт 3) устройство; блок – abonent station – accepting station – access station – aerodynamic broadcast station – affiliated station – airborne decameter radio station – Alcatel station – all-mine telephone station – amplifying station – analog-digital station – analog switching station – analytical photogrammetric station – automatic trunk station – background station – backhaul station – backlogged station – balanced station – base station – base-airborne station – base-radio station – BB-switching back-to-back station – BB-switching end terminal station – BB-switching n-way branching station – beacon station – boat-radio station – booster station – broadcasting station – broadcasting node station – broadcasting-satellite space station – buffer station – callers-telephone station – car-subscriber station – CB station – central station – central fire-alarm station – central-searching station – channel station – channel-attached station – civil band station – class-A station – class-B station – class-C station – class-D station – coastal station – coastal Earth station – commercial radio station – communication relay station – compact hand station – computerized data exchange station – container terrestrial station – control station – control-measuring station – converted-base station – crossing station – data station – destination station – digital communication station – digital photogrammetic station – digital switching station – digital terminal station – display station – diving telephone station – drift station – Earth station – electronic mobile station – emergency frequency station – emergency-position indicating radiobeacon station – emergency-radio station – exchange-service station – feeder-amplifier station – fifth-class mobile station – fifth generation radio station – first-class...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) блок 2) вокзал 3) место 4) помещать 5) машиностр. пост 6) пункт 7) ставить 8) станция 9) стационар 10) стенд 11) устанавливать 12) установить 13) устройство aeronautical radio station — авиационная радиостанция aeronautical weather station — метео авиаметеостанция aircraft radio station — бортовая радиостанция atomic power station — атомная станция, АЭС base-load power station — базисная электростанция battery charging station — станция аккумуляторнозарядная block signal station — ж.-д. пост блокировочный bridge duplex station — мостовой дуплекс broadcasting radio station — широковещательная радиостанция close down station — свертывать станция closing-down of radio station — свертывание радиостанции facsimile radio station — радиофототелеграфная станция fixed radio station — стационарная радиостанция floating power station — плавучая электростанция gravimetric field station — гравиметрический пункт gravity station mark — марка гравиметрического пункта ground radio station — наземная радиостанция heat electropower station — тэц ionospheric observation station — ионосферная станция manned repeater station — пункт усилительный обслуживаемый mobile radio station — мобильная радиостанция mobile refueling station — транс. станция авторазливочная pass over station — проскакивать станцию peak-load power station — пиковая электростанция radio broadcast station —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) место 2) стоянка 3) станция 4) главный пункт 5) таможенный склад 6) общественное положение • - border station - bus station - central station - duty station - orbital station - polling station - power station 2. гл. помещать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) стация, отдельный участок обитания 2) станция – breeding station – experimental station – marking station – plant-breeding station ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. место, местоположение he took up a convenient station —- он занял удобную позицию they returned to their several stations —- они вернулись каждый на свое место 2. станция; центр, (главный) пункт meteorological station —- метеорологическая станция filling —- (ам. gas) station бензоколонка dressing station —- перевязочный пункт arctic station —- арктическая станция coast-guard station —- пост береговой охраны central station —- электростанция; мор. центральный пост 3. радиостанция station designator —- позывные радиостанции 4. ам. почтовое отделение 5. вокзал 6. железнодорожная станция station yard —- ж-д. станционные пути station bus —- автобус гостиницы, встречающий постояльцев на станции 7. стоянка 8. воен. пост battle station —- боевой пост 9. воен. пункт расквартирования 10. воен. гарнизон station hospital —- гарнизонный госпиталь 11. авиационная база, авиабаза station commander —- начальник авиационной базы 12. военно-морская база 13. остановка (в пути) we get out at the next station —- мы выходим на следующей остановке 14. место прохождения службы (командированного); страна или город (дипломата и т. п.) after a visit home he returned to his station —- после поездки домой он вернулся на место работы 15. общественное положение a woman of high station —- высокопоставленная дама 16. спорт. место на...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) место, пост; battle station - боевой пост; he took up a convenient station - он занял удобную позицию; they returned to their several stations - они вернулись на свои места  2) станция, пункт; life-boat station - спасательная станция; broadcasting station - радиостанция  3) железнодорожная станция, вокзал (тж. railway station);  4) военно-морская база (тж. naval station); авиабаза  5) общественное положение  6) austral. овцеводческая ферма; овечье пастбище  7) biol. ареал  8) attr. станционный  2. v.  1) ставить на (определенное) место; помещать (in/at/on); to station oneself - расположиться  2) mil. размещать; to station a guard - выставить караул ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a regular stopping place on a railway line, with a platform and usu. administrative buildings. b these buildings (see also bus station, coach station). 2 a place or building etc. where a person or thing stands or is placed, esp. habitually or for a definite purpose. 3 a a designated point or establishment where a particular service or activity is based or organized (police station; polling station). b US a subsidiary post office. 4 an establishment involved in radio or television broadcasting. 5 a a military or naval base esp. hist. in India. b the inhabitants of this. 6 position in life; rank or status (ideas above your station). 7 Austral. & NZ a large sheep or cattle farm. 8 Bot. a particular place where an unusual species etc. grows. --v.tr. 1 assign a station to. 2 put in position. Phrases and idioms station-bill Naut. a list showing the prescribed stations of a ship's crew for various drills or in an emergency. station break US a pause between broadcast programmes for an announcement of the identity of the station transmitting them. station hand Austral. a worker on a large sheep or cattle farm. station house US a police station. station-keeping the maintenance of one's proper relative position in a moving body of ships etc. station of the cross RC Ch. a each of a series of usu. 14 images or pictures representing the events in Christ's passion before which devotions are performed in some churches. b each of these devotions. station pointer Naut. a ship's navigational instrument, often a three-armed protractor, for fixing one's place on a chart from the angle in the horizontal plane between two land- or sea-marks. station sergeant Brit. the sergeant in charge of a police station. station-wagon an estate car. Etymology: ME, = standing, f. OF f. L statio -onis f. stare stand ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English stacioun, from Anglo-French e~, statiun, from Latin ~-, statio, from stare to stand — more at stand  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the place or position in which something or someone stands or is assigned to stand or remain  b. any of the places in a manufacturing operation at which one part of the work is done  c. equipment used usually by one person for performing a particular job  2. the act or manner of standing ; posture  3. a stopping place: as  a.  (1) a regular stopping place in a transportation route a bus ~  (2) the building connected with such a stopping place ; depot 3  b. one of the ~s of the cross  4.  a. a post or sphere of duty or occupation  b. a stock farm or ranch especially of Australia or New Zealand  5. standing, rank a woman of high ~  6. a place for specialized observation and study of scientific phenomena a seismological ~ a marine biological ~  7. a place established to provide a public service: as  a.  (1) fire ~  (2) police ~  b. a branch post office  8. gas ~  9.  a. a complete assemblage of radio or television equipment for transmitting or receiving  b. the place in which such a ~ is located  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1742 to assign to or set in a ~ or position ; post ~ a guard at the door ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (stations, stationing, stationed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A station is a building by a railway line where trains stop so that people can get on or off. Ingrid went with him to the railway station to see him off... N-COUNT: oft n N 2. A bus station is a building, usually in a town or city, where buses stop, usually for a while, so that people can get on or off. N-COUNT: n N 3. If you talk about a particular radio or television station, you are referring to the programmes broadcast by a particular radio or television company. ...an independent local radio station... It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK. N-COUNT: oft n N 4. If soldiers or officials are stationed in a place, they are sent there to do a job or to work for a period of time. Reports from the capital, Lome, say troops are stationed on the streets... V-PASSIVE: be V-ed prep/adv 5. If you station yourself somewhere, you go there and wait, usually for a particular purpose. (FORMAL) The musicians stationed themselves quickly on either side of the stairs... = position VERB: V pron-refl prep/adv 6. see also fire station, gas station, petrol station, police station, power station, service station, space station, way station ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TRAVEL« 2 a) a place where public vehicles regularly stop so that passengers can get on and off, goods can be loaded etc  (the city bus station | train station especially AmE, railway station BrE)  (It's time to meet Daddy at the train station. | subway station AmE, underground station BrE (=for trains that run under the ground)) b) the building or buildings at such a place  (Is there a waiting room in the station? | Grand Central Station) 3 »ACTIVITY OR SERVICE« a building or place that is a centre for a particular kind of service or activity  ( (police/fire) station)  (You'll have to go with the officer to the station. | petrol station BrE, gas station AmE (=where petrol is sold) | polling station (=where you vote in an election) | research station)  (Frank spent six months at an arctic research station.)  (- compare action stations) 4 »BROADCASTING« a) one of the many different signals you can receive on your radio or television, that a company broadcasts on  (Tom tuned the radio to a country music station. | get/pick up a station)  (I can't get many stations on this thing.) b) an organization which makes television or radio broadcasts, or the building where this is done  (That woman from the local TV station is here for your interview.)  (- compare channel1 (1, 2)) 5 »POSITION« a place where someone stands or sits in order to be ready to do something quickly if needed  (You're not to leave your station unless told.) 6 »FARMING« a large sheep or cattle farm in Australia or New Zealand 7 »SOCIAL RANK« old-fashioned your position in society  (above your station (=higher than your social rank))  (Don't get ideas above your station.) 8 »MILITARY« a small military establishment 9 »SHIPS« technical a ship's position in relation to others in a group, especially a military ship ~2 v T usually passive to put someone in a particular place in order to do a particular job or military duty  (He's still in the Army, stationed in Washington. | Two guards were stationed at the back of the room.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1280, "place which one normally occupies," from O.Fr. station, from L. stationem (nom. statio) "a standing, post, job, position," related to stare "to stand." The meaning "place for a special purpose" (polling station) is first recorded 1823; radio station is from 1912. The meaning "regular stopping place" is first recorded 1797, in reference to coach routes; applied to railroads 1830s. Station wagon in the automobile sense is first recorded 1929, from earlier use for a horse-drawn conveyance that took passengers to and from railroad stations. Stationary is early 15c., in relation to planetary motions, from L. stationarius, in classical L., "of a military station." Station-house is from 1836. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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